Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Parasite (Korean Movie) - SPOILER

The key take-away for me from this movie is the two poor families. 

The former housekeeper who was the victim of attempted murder, aggravated murder, and finally murder, and the other poor family whose end became their undoing. 

Both families are the same boat. However, the latter chose to exercise false authority over their peer. It is this behavior that saddened me the most. Because you will have those amongst you, who are facing the same harm. 

Yet, some of them will wield whatever advantage they momentarily possess to showcase their importance. Even for all of six seconds.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Twitter and Quote Tweets

Quote tweeting on Twitter is one way to respond to a tweet. I find that people use quote tweets when responding to a tweet they do not agree with. I think this is to avoid having their disagreement be the focus in the replies. It is unclear whether this is the better way to engage rather than replying beneath the tweet.


Be aware of what you amplify.

This message is very evidenced on Twitter. There must be a psychology basis for it but the negative interaction appears to be more lasting, and even more effective than the positive interaction.

Effective at what? At increasing brand awareness. Essentially, there is no such this as bad publicity. It is even the case, perhaps for certain groups, that negative publicity is the key to get every single person discussing your product or service.

The jokes, jabs, insults, derision are how those groups or persons you say you do not care for get their money, attention or visibility. And also protect the community you claim to care about. So you see someone tweet something transphobic for instance. You can speak on transphobia without retweeting the harmful tweet in a bid to "correct" said tweeter. 

It is truly the haters that fuel growth for any person or company in the business of visibility.

Attempt 1

From the brilliant Joy Isi Bewaji. She had a challenge during a screenwriter retreat and I decided to take a stab at it.

The Logline: A middle-aged married woman (MM) finds out she is pregnant for another man, how does she break this shocking news to her 30 year old son (Son)?

INT. SON'S APARTMENT - DAY. MM and Son are in the kitchen/dining area. 
MM is restocking the fridge with containers of various lengths and widths containing cooked food: okro, stewed chicken, efo riro, aluminum foil of jollof rice, a bag of puff puff and another with meat pie.

MM is inspecting the fridge to make sure the containers fit
You should have enough food in here for the next month.

MM turns to look at her son coming into the house carrying groceries and says with slight annoyance
You really should try to clean up this fridge once in a while.
Son places the grocery bags on the floor and puts up his hands in defense. MM closes the fridge.
I try. But you know, it's hard working these consulting hours.
Son walks to his mom and gives her a back hug and kisses her cheek
Son (cont'd)
Which is why I massively appreciate you bringing me these meals. You know you're an amazing cook..chef.
Son steps back and starts putting groceries away
MM (half-amused)
Mhmm mm. Who says I'm the one cooking? I order yours along when I order from (sponsor/freebie: allidoiscook). But there is something serious I need to talk to you about.
Son nods at her while putting the groceries away. MM moves to the counter that separates the kitchen from the dining area.
Yeah, I'm listening. Is everything okay with you and Daddy?
Son stops and turns to his mom in jest
Son (with an eyebrow raised in jest)
Is there another family contribution fund coming up?
Mom sits and speaks bluntly
I'm having a baby
Son freezes and slowly turns to look at his mom. A can of groceries in his hand
Son (speaks slowly)
Like adop-ting?
MM sighs deeply and speaks gravely, offering a weak smile
Nooo... like the actual carrying and birthing
Son retorts immediately, his face expressing both shock and amusement. His hands open in bewilderment.
For who?
MM slightly cocks her head to the side and raises her eyebrows. She looks down and then looks at her son
Well, that's the thing....
Son's face turns from amusement to anger and hurt. MM takes on a more serious tone and is almost sad.
It's not your dad's.
[the end]