Saturday, April 4, 2020

Twitter and Quote Tweets

Quote tweeting on Twitter is one way to respond to a tweet. I find that people use quote tweets when responding to a tweet they do not agree with. I think this is to avoid having their disagreement be the focus in the replies. It is unclear whether this is the better way to engage rather than replying beneath the tweet.


Be aware of what you amplify.

This message is very evidenced on Twitter. There must be a psychology basis for it but the negative interaction appears to be more lasting, and even more effective than the positive interaction.

Effective at what? At increasing brand awareness. Essentially, there is no such this as bad publicity. It is even the case, perhaps for certain groups, that negative publicity is the key to get every single person discussing your product or service.

The jokes, jabs, insults, derision are how those groups or persons you say you do not care for get their money, attention or visibility. And also protect the community you claim to care about. So you see someone tweet something transphobic for instance. You can speak on transphobia without retweeting the harmful tweet in a bid to "correct" said tweeter. 

It is truly the haters that fuel growth for any person or company in the business of visibility.

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