Bovi is a Naija comedian and he has become one of my favorites with this public service announcement. When I first saw the video I was actually very scared that this was going to be another lynching and I really was close to tears when I saw the tire...Bovi go kill person with hypertension o
The PSA actually covers why we as a society need to get rid of jungle justice. It can stand as a Naija film on its own sef. The PSA mentioned the law (which is rarely mentioned or even respected in Naija). When people call ole! make una hand am to the police, dem go hand am to the law and na the law go deal with am. Granted Naija's legal system has a ways to go but if we can at least allow others to exercise their right to a trial instead of being the judge, jury and executioner, Naija would be a bit well off.
And then, we can tackle our legal system. Hopefully this PSA makes it on the radio and on the television channels.
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