Can't Hold Me Back Video
I found this commentary by By Tosin Adeda on notjustok very interesting. His arguments are quite strong…
“…That aside, I have some questions for those who feel insulted by the video being shot in the slums. Are the visuals of the video that of Nigeria or not? Is Nigeria a developed country? What does the average Nigerian worth? How much does the average Nigerian spend in a day? Is Nigeria a paradise for majority of Nigerians? Those people in the slums, are they lesser Nigerians than you are? Are you really offended because u feel bad for them or because of your own ego? Do you care about those particular set of people? Why do you have a problem with the whole world seeing how majority of Nigerians live? . . Answer those questions in your minds, they are rhetorical. …. Do you know the joy and happiness those people in the slums felt? Do you know what is means to be rejected by the govt of your own country, and left to live in permanent misery and poverty? Only to be remembered by a foreigner, who went ahead to shoot a video so that the we all can see their plight. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves, for feeling offended over the joy of Nigerians who got remembered for once in a very long while…”